Are you sick of shaving? Don’t have the time to shave as often? or are you suffering from skin irritations caused by shaving? Well, maybe it’s time you tried waxing!
While many of us have experimented with waxing just about every body part possible, it wasn’t until a friend started raving about her monthly leg waxes that I decided to give it a go. (That was many years ago now 😉 Five sessions later and my skin had never felt smoother. (Also, you know those hard-to-shave spots, like knees and the back of your thighs? You better believe wax can take care of that.) Now years later the result is hardly any hairs on my legs, and very little waxing maintenance needed…well that’s just a bonus!
1. Waxing lasts longer than shaving because it pulls the hair from the roots.
2. No cuts or nicks that can leave you with scars.
3. Shaving can cause rashes on sensitive skin.
4. For many, waxing makes the hair grow slower and finer.
5. Waxing produces smoother results because hair is pulled from the root.
6 Shaving can result to stubbles. If you don’t shave often enough, your legs will feel rough and abrasive.
7. Waxing will make your skin feel smoother longer without feeling itchy, because of slower hair regrowth.
8. Contrary to popular belief, waxing is not always painful. if you do it right, it is almost pain-free.
9. Waxing is fast and convenient.
10.Skin is less susceptible to irritations associated with shaving. You can also use, hair growth retardants to slow down hair growth and minimise ingrown hairs, irritation, redness and bumps caused by shaving, waxing, hair removal cremes and electrolysis.